Thursday, November 19, 2009

National Novel Writing Month

November is National Novel Writing Month, and I am participating in NanoWrimo – which is contest of sorts. The challenge is to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November. And if 50,000 words sounds like a lot, that’s because it is.

And it’s daunting! It’s difficult! We are 3 weeks into this madcap adventure and I’ve been out of things to say since last week. I’m at just under 18,000 words which means I am behind the 8 ball. However, I have never written 18,000 words in a row before. Even if I don’t make it to 50,000 I have done something I never thought I would ever actually do.

Sure, I’ve dreamed about writing a novel – but the sheer magnitude of it always frightened me. I’m primarily a poet and a short story writer. I know now why I keep to those forms – novels are hard work!

This is an incredibly intense experience but I am so proud of myself for sticking with it. I have learned a lot about myself and my writing in the process. Even if I don’t reach that finish line, I’ve reached a very important personal goal: told a story on paper.

-Victoria Lindsay 11/19/09

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The New Kids On The Block

Inline Media is very excited to introduce the New Kids on The Block. First, our very happy Mom, Jennifer McCraw, brought in her new baby son Austin Thomas McCraw aka “ATM”. He is the cutest honorary member at Inline Media so far. He brings great experience in eating, sleeping and you know what! We are sad to say that Jennifer has decided to go independent so she can spend more time with her son. She will not be returning to InLine Media and we will surely miss her and all the hard work she brought to our team.

Our second new kid is Victoria Lindsay who packed up all she could fit in her Volkswagen and moved to Denver. She brought with her from Wisconsin experience in outdoor media buying and her great smile that greets us each morning. Victoria has a big task of assisting all of us here at InLine and making sure our office runs smoothly. She is a great addition to our family.

Having such great luck with the name Jennifer, we welcome Jennifer Sanchez to our team. Jennifer has great expertise in online Political media buying. She’s excited to be here (she did grow up in Kansas after all!) We are very lucky to have her and we are excited that she is now a member of our team.

Chris Ex Ouellet - Nov. 18, 2009