Tuesday, May 25, 2010

LOST but not Forgotten

Sunday night was a difficult night for me – LOST ended. Currently, I am mourning a television show that melted my brain weekly and deeply affected me on a personal level. As I try to come to grips with the ending and let me tell you – I’m still wrapping my head around it and trying to decide if I was one of the many who disliked the ending or one of the ones who adored the ending, I want to talk more about the ads that ran during the finale more than the finale itself. This is probably why I work in advertising.

Target wins! Target took LOST mythology - the smoke monster, the numbers and the wild boar and were able to cleverly tie them to ads for a smoke detector, keyboard and humorously, barbecue sauce.

As the finale went on and our questions were more sidestepped than answered, I chuckled each time a Target ad ran although I was also doing some mental math, allegedly a 30 second spot was running upwards of $900,000 for the finale.

While Target won in the ad department, LOST didn’t really win in the ratings department. LOST’s finale averaged only 13.5 million viewers, which is nowhere near the 105 million that tuned in for M*A*S*H signing off in 1983.

As for me? I’ll always be LOST. It was a show that meant a tremendous amount to me and I will miss my Tuesday night excitement and probably miss my Wednesday conversations with friends and coworkers trying to dissect the show even more.

Victoria 5.25.10

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